Tips para mejorar tu MEDIACIÓN ORAL
Al igual que en el caso de la mediación escrita, al tratarse de una destreza/prueba relativamente reciente en el aprendizaje de inglés como segunda lengua, muchos alumnos encuentran dificultades a la hora de abordar esta parte del examen. Si la enfocas como una prueba de expresión oral, sin más, al estilo de un monólogo o […]
Tips para mejorar tu WRITING
La prueba de expresión escrita (ya sabes, el “writing”) resulta a veces un tanto complicada para muchos alumnos, especialmente en niveles avanzados. Una cosa es poder expresarnos con cierta solvencia sobre varios asuntos (cosa que, a menos que practices regularmente, no deberías dar por sentado), y otra bien distinta es saber expresar matices, expresar énfasis […]
Tips para mejorar tu SPEAKING
El Speaking es probablemente la destreza que más se nos atraganta cuando estamos aprendiendo inglés. Si tu nivel es básico, probablemente te cueste incluso empezar una conversación, o hacer una frase correctamente, y si ya llevas más años estudiando, lo más normal es que te veas estancado con un vocabulario y gramática bastante limitado. A […]
All Happy Families are Alike: Recommended Watching
Hi there again! This is the first installment of the Recommended Watching series on the present blog (basically expanding on whatever topic we may be dealing with through different sociocultural contents, movies/series in this case), and today we’re presenting not one nor two, but three films related to unit “All Happy Families are Alike“, and […]
Counterculture Shock: Recommended Watching
Hey! Find here the second installment of the Recommended Watching series, a section in our blog which tries to bind together whatever topic we have finished and some cool movie that somehow deals with that topic. I believe it’s the perfect way to actually soak in a language and the culture inherent to the countries […]
Love in the Time of Newspeak: Recommended Watching
Ssup, folks? Find here the third installment of the Recommended Watching series, a section on this very blog that aims at linking the discussion topics we see in class with really cool movies for all of you to expand on those topics, find ideas, insights, and different perspectives in the matters previously debated in the […]
“You’re either making progress or you’re losing ground” So reads the extract of one of Mike Matthews’s podcast series “Motivation Monday” which I would religiously listen to every Monday as soon as the audio file (scheduled for Mondays first thing in the morning, USA EDT) would make it to the iVoox app of my cell […]
Las 6 reglas de Arnold Schwarzenegger para el éxito
El gran Arnold dejó de ser la super estrella de Hollywood al que muchos de los que fuimos adolescentes en los 90 admirábamos y disfrutábamos de sus películas. Tuvo su periplo con la política y llegó a ser, ni más ni menos, gobernador del estado de California. Nada mal, para un inmigrante austriaco que se […]
Recommended Watching! Glengarry Glen Ross
The unit we’re about to finish has dealt with work and careers, basically trying to make a living for ourselves and our loved ones in our daily grind. The term “Rat Race” (aka brutally fierce competition usually taking place in the workplace, but also in life, in general) came up in one of our sessions […]
The Ten Books that Inspired English Mastery
Imagen de jcomp en Freepik What most people tell me when they first lay their hands on English Mastery (but also, to some extent, Speaking Mastery and Gaining Momentum) is that they really like the book because it does not strike them as your usual “coursebook” for students of English. It doesn’t strike me that […]