Share with others the source of your inspiration
Esta es la segunda entrada de esta serie de posts, en los que quiero compartir con los lectors del blog aquellos libros que fueron una auténtica fuente de inspiración para mí. Un auténtico game changer. No exagero si digo que hay más sabiduría e información práctica en estos diez libros que a lo largo de muchas carreras universitarias – dicho ésto con todo el debido respeto a cualquier disciplina de conocimiento y a los profesionales que las imparten-. Por algún motivo, a veces pasa que permanecemos a lo largo de la vida indiferentes al concepto de auto educarnos y auto ilustrarnos, hasta que el libro correcto se cruza en nuestro camino y lo cambia todo. En mi caso, lo hicieron estos diez.
En el anterior post hablaba de, probablemente, mi libro favorito de todos los tiempos, “Las leyes de la naturaleza humana” de Robert Greene. En esta ocasión le toca el turno a otra maravilla de libro, otra obra maestra (en mi humilde opinión, eso sí), que me insipiró mientras escribía los libros de Breakthru, y cuyo espíritu intenté reflejar en alguna de sus muchas páginas y secciones. Hoy es el turno de “The Obstacle is the Way“, de Ryan Holiday.
2. The Obstacle is the Way. The Timeless Art of Turning Adversity into Advantage (Ryan Holiday, 2014)
Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty confident this was the book that kickstarted the whole Neo-stoic movement in the 2010s. Soon a legion of authors rode on the coattails of Ryan Holiday‘s debut and tried to out-stoicize each other. Don’t get me wrong, props to David Goggins, Jocko Willink or any other tough ex Navy seal who has been interviewed by Joe Rogan. These people have walked the walk and their experiences and testimonies are, indeed, inspiring (they have surely gone through more difficult stuff than most of us), but literature-wise, they cannot hold a candle to American Apparel’s ex-CEO-come-author, Ryan Holiday (by the way, this guy’s a full decade younger than yours truly, talk about achievement). And he did it first, anyway. What is then, the essential idea found in “Obstacle is the Way“, which makes it such a fascinating read? Well, it is RELENTLESSNESS. Humans are wired to the path of least resistance, so avoiding suffering and adversity is deeply ingrained in us. But, what if we contemplated setbacks, hindrances, misfortune, mishaps, and even tragedy as a source of learning? What if the scars we carry are actually badges of this struggle otherwise known as life, betraying a toughened and resilient (yeah, clichéd) personality? What if instead of shunning difficulties, we actually embraced them? What if every time we fell, we rose stronger? What if obstacles were THE WAY?